Monday, February 8, 2010

Splitting Hairs

Well, not so much splitting as cutting I suppose.  About a year ago, Matt and I determined that we could save almost $200 each year if I cut his hair for him.  Follow that with a trip to Great Clips so I could see how the "pros" do it and a trip to Target to buy some clippers and you've got yourself a money-saving plan!  The first few times were pretty rough...

Me: "does this look ok?"
Matt: "it looks... good..."
Me: "does it look 'good' or does it look horrible and you're trying to be nice?"
Matt: "no... it looks... good..."

All of those "dot dot dots" - that's the hesitation in Matt's voice while I'm freaking out that I'm the world's worst hairdresser!  But it got better each time we tried, and now we've got the system down to a T.  Am I as fast as those Great Clips girls?  Nope.  But his hair looks good and I get to cut it to my liking (Hence, faux-hawk. Yum!)  And each year, we save enough money for me to go to the salon...once. 

Before:                                            After:

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! Must be nice to have someone cut your hair for free...or pay you in gum...
