Tuesday, February 23, 2010


A little over a year ago, Matt and I got involved with an organization called HopeKids. Their motto is that "Hope is a Powerful Medicine" and the work they do is unlike any other organization I have ever seen. Basically, it is a place for children with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses and their families to come to escape the world of chemo and doctor's office visits. The founder, Rob, thought that it would be nice if these children could look at their calendar and see things like movies, ice skating and zoo trips to look forward to. And the effect that his program is nothing short of amazing.

It's such a simple concept - sometimes I will look at my work calendar and start feeling overwhelmed, but then I will see that I have a fun lunch or a date with Matt planned and it helps me to power through the week. I can't imagine being a child and having to deal with countless trips to doctors who poke and prod and seem to make you feel even sicker. HopeKids gives them fun activities every week to look forward to so it is a little easier to bear. It also provides a network for families who are going through the same thing. The events are not just for the kids - they are for the parents, siblings, and other family members who are impacted by the cancer as well.

I am just so touched by the strength and courage that these kids show. When we watch them play, I'll sometimes forget that they are dealing with these terrible illnesses because they are just such fun, cute kids! They don't let their illness define them, and they don't let it drag them down or get in the way of having fun and living life. I am so inspired by that - it really puts life in perspective for me.

So this past weekend we went to a Tae Kwon Do event with the kids and it was so fun to watch them learn punches, kicks, Korean words and even nun-chucks! My favorite part of the day was when a little girl named Becca came in and we started chatting. She is probably 8 years old, and I told her I was glad to see her here because there were too many boys already at the class. We high-fived. Then I told her she could go warm up if she wanted, and she said, "Nah. I'm pretty great at this stuff." She then proceeded to show me how high she could kick to prove that stretching wouldn't be necessary. Matt had to double-check the car to make sure I didn't steal her on the way home!! Anyways, here are some of the pictures from the day:

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