Saturday, June 26, 2010

Curious Dog

Before I go to work each day, Jordan and I usually play some fetch in the back yard to wear her out a bit. And lately, she has been pretty curious whenever she sees a bird flying over or perching on our fence. It is really funny to watch - she will slow down her body and stare transfixed at the birds. But not in a mean way like she wants to attack them, sort of like she is daydreaming about them and trying to figure out how they get way up there in the sky. She'll just sort of stare at them, smiling, until I snap her back to reality.

On Thursday, I was working from home. When I do that, I typically draw open the shades in the office so Jordan can sit in there with me and look out the window while I work. So I'm typing away and all of the sudden, I hear a thud like a bird has crashed into the window. Matt had noticed some little fledgling sparrows in the front yard a few weeks back, who must be living in our tree and learning how to fly. When I looked over to the window, I was amazed to see one of the little guys holding on to the screen near the top of the window - freaking out about how he got there and what to do next. Jordan wasn't having any of this, so she barked at him and scared him away.

So imagine my surprise 2 hours later when I notice the dog standing by that same window - staring intensely but quietly at that tiny bird. And the little bird is just sitting on the window sill staring back in at Jordan. Like they couldn't figure each other out but were SO interested in what the other had to offer. I was only able to capture the last few seconds of what must have been a 2 minute staring match, but it was pretty cute. I wish I could tell what that weird little puppy was thinking.

Especially since just yesterday she smacked into the back window as she frantically tried to attack a mockingbird she caught chilling on her porch...


  1. Kinda looks like she wanted to eat it. :) But I don't think she's that kind of dog. Duncan is definitely that kind of cat.
