Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sour Milk

Now that I am an account manager for my company, one of the BEST perks is that boxes upon boxes of free food magically show up at my doorstep every so often. I get to try all of our new product samples and hand them out to family and friends, which has made us quite popular lately :) So last night, Matt and I started preparing dinner using a new box meal sample. The noodles were bubbling in the pot, the chicken was grilling on the skillet - we were T-minus 5 minutes from chow time. Matt goes to the fridge and says "uh-oh," we're out of milk. Milk is required for the sauce. I've been putting off grocery shopping for over a week - yikes. Not enough time to run to the store to grab some, so I decide to run across the street to our neighbor's house.

Our neighors are SUPER nice guys - 3 bachelors who are always willing to lend a hand if they see us carrying in furniture, doing yard work, etc. So I scoop up some samples to offer as leverage and rush over to see if they can spare a 1/4 cup. One of them answers the door and happily offers to let us have the rest of the milk in their fridge - what nice neighbors! We make the swap, and I rush back home. I pour the milk into the measuring cup and then tend to my noodles. Matt looks into the cup. "Um... did you check the expiration on the milk?" Nope. Why? He shows me the weird little floaties he's found in the cup. I look at the milk carton. Expired 3 weeks ago. "Did you even smell this before you poured it in?" Matt leans down to take a whif... then quickly jumps back with an "Aggg!!" Nothing like the smell of spoiled milk. I take a sniff. Gross. Matt is holding his nose and trying not to puke - he's so dramatic and cute when it comes to bad scents. We pour the rest down the drain and proceed to make the dinner without any milk - it turned out fine. After dinner, Matt feels the need to lather up some vanilla soap and send it down the drain to mask the smell (which I had already done, but hey). Over an hour later, he swears he can still smell that afwul smell - it must be living in his nose now! Like I said, dramatic.

So I think we'll avoid asking those neighbors for favors when it comes to food from now on...


  1. I think you might be exaggerating how dramatic I was about the smell. But it was super nasty. :)

  2. No way....I think I totally believe her. haha
