Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How To - Juggle

Juggling was something I always wanted to do growing up but didn’t know how. Once I got a little older I searched around the internet and taught myself how to juggle. So maybe with a few tips of my own I can teach others how to juggle.

All you need to start is 3 objects; preferably round and preferably the same size and shape. Once you get more experienced at juggling you can juggle almost anything but to start it’s easiest with something the size and weight of a tennis ball or hacky sack. Also be sure to try this away from breakable objects as your juggling objects may get away from you when you are first starting out.

Start with 2 of the balls in your dominant hand and one in the other. The first move to get started is to throw one of the balls in your dominant hand up in the air a few feet directly in front of you. This ball will be caught with your opposite hand. Just before the first ball comes down to your hand you will need to throw the ball currently in that hand and catch the first ball. Now the ball in the air should be coming to your dominant hand. Again, you will need to throw the ball currently in that hand just before catching the ball in the air. And that’s it. Juggling is just that same motion, repeated over and over again. Once you get the hang of throwing the ball right before catching the ball you will be able to juggle.

If you can’t do this motion right away that’s fine, it’s not easy. A good way to practice the throw and catch move is to start with 2 balls; one in each hand. Throw one of the balls in the air and try the throw-then-catch move with the other hand. Repeat this exercise until you get the hang of it with both hands and you should be able to add the third ball.

If you still can’t get the hang of it I’m sure there are plenty of other web pages that offer tips on how to juggle that might explain it a little better. Good luck!

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