Sunday, October 10, 2010

Overseeding Part 1

The weather in Phoenix is finally starting to cool off a little bit which means it is time to overseed the lawn with winter grass.  Pamela and Jordan liked having the grass last year so much that we decided to do it again this year.  So that was my project for this weekend.  It's a good amount of work to get the area prepared for the seed, especially if you don't have all the right power mowers and dethatchers.  Since our yard is fairly small it's still possible to get it all done with a line trimmer and a rake, it just takes a little longer.  And now our yard looks like this... covered with about a half inch of dying bermuda grass. 

It's alright though, because in a week or so our lush new rye grass lawn will be coming in.  I'll post some more pictures later to show how the grass turned out.  I hope it comes in alright, to make it worth all the trouble.  Here's an action shot of me spreading the seed:

1 comment:

  1. Hey, this is pretty cool! I've never done this before so I'm looking forward to the updates! Actually, now that I think about it, neither my parents or myself have ever owned a lawn... :\
