Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mystery Sprouts

One of the things that I am charged with when Matt goes out of town is watering the plants and grass. Easy task, no? Except that I was only born with the gene that allows me to care for mammals. Give me a dog or a kid and I know just what to do. Mainly because they let you know what they need in one way or another. They cry or bark or stare at you obnoxiously 30 minutes before dinner time (yes, I'm looking at you Jordan).

She seriously does that. Comes up to me around 6:00 and sits inches from my face, just staring. Intensely. Like, are you going to feed me today? And I'm all, dog. Chill. You've lived here for 3 years and never ONCE have we forgotten to feed you. And she's all, oh really? Because there are 14 dead hibiscus plants that beg to differ. And then I backhand her. For being a naughty child. My friend Kristina even risked her life to stop by one day to make sure she got her meal on time. That dog doesn't know real hunger, but I guess that comes with being a lab. Sometimes, though, I want to make her watch those Sarah McLaughlin videos so she can realize just how good she has it.

Anyways... back to the point. We recently re-planted some flowers and had some empty pots left out on the porch. Matt hinted to me that while he was gone, I should probably still water the pots with only soil. I know his trick - he planted me mystery flowers! And they are already starting to sprout! I am eagerly waiting for them to bloom so I can see what they are...