Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ryan: Month Three

Our 3rd month with Ryan proved to be a great one in many ways.  He started becoming less of a newborn and more of a baby in that he began interacting more with us and with the world around him.  Some of our highlights for the month:

  • Cuteness overload: Ryan began sticking out tongue at us!  This ended up being a short-lived phase but it was a hilarious one.  Matt or I would start the game by sticking out our tongues and smiling and making a big production of it.  And Ryan caught on quickly and started to stick his out to elicit laughs from us.  Glad we got pictures of this one!
  • This month was the first time he was able to grasp and shake his toys.  I still had to help physically guide the toy to his hand, but once there he could keep a hold of it and rattle it around a bit.  The first step towards amusing himself!
  • Watching TV.  Oh boy.  One day, he suddenly became aware of and fascinated by the television.  We thought it was cute, the way he was zoning out like a little zombie to it, so we let him watch a few minutes of The Simpsons with us.  BIG mistake!  It wound him up so badly that he refused to sleep that night at all.  From then on, TV is limited to quick glances when we are trying to get him to stop crying and we've exhausted all other methods.  He just needs a couple of seconds of watching before he forgets why he was worked up to begin with, and we can all move on with our day! 
  • Last month was the development of smiles and THIS month brought the start of Ryan's sweet baby laughs.  He is ticklish around his arms and giggles when we try to change him out of his outfits, but cuter still is that he laughs at belly kisses.  That will never get old for me and Matt - we just take turns smooching his stomach or neck and making funny chomping noises that are big hits with the baby.  His laugh is so sweet and so sincere.  It is wonderful to find new ways to delight him so we can hear those giggles as often as possible.
  • In a nice change from waking up crying, now Ryan wakes up in the mornings with a big ol' smile on his face.  The morning really is the best time of day for him.  He is happy to see us and start the day playing and interacting.  It has made Matt and me (typically not morning people) look forward to waking up so much more.

  • And in a fun developmental milestone, Ryan began propping himself up on his forearms during tummy time.  He seems to like that time so much better now that his face isn't mashed into the floor :) This puts us one tiny step closer to a mobile baby, which is exciting and terrifying at the same time.  Let the baby-proofing begin!
That's it for month 3 - I already have notes for 4 in the books, so stay tuned...

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